Thursday, February 5, 2009

In one week..............

We've been in Panama City Beach, FL, for almost two weeks now and getting ready to head for Miami via my brother's place in Ft Pierce. Jeanne (my sister from Vashon Island, WA) arrived about a week ago and her husband Gray is now on Vashon after his last stint on the tug Attentive in Alaskan waters. He will join us in Miami on the 10th prior to our flight to Lima on the 11th.

I've been busy here labeling our India pictures and organizing a 45 minute presentation of our India trip. Now time for new adventures with new traveling partners. This has been a much easier trip to organize: no visas, no shots (already done for the India trip), and set up by the travel agent. We just have to get into the guide books in the next few days to educate ourselves about what we are about to see and experience.


  1. Hi guys and gals. Will there be a movie this time too? Slumdog meant so much more after sr and ra described the smells I was to conjure up to really appreciate the surround sounds and smells. Brave souls you are to begin again! Well I'm along for this one too. It's fun and cheaper to empty my bucket this way. Keep on movin'. Mo

  2. Really enjoyed tagging along with you both in India. This time we'll do it virtually! Just can't take any more "adventure".
    Viaje bueno!!
    Ross & Jean

  3. Hope you are having a great time.
    Take lots of pictures.
    Is spot with you so we can follow?

  4. Hello to all, You are now winging your way to Lima, Peru!!! How cool is that? I hope that you have a wonderful time and that it is filled with the right kind of eventful traveling! Jeanne-thanks for the letter-It was fun to get a real letter. Thanks fot the Cuba taxi clipping too-I seemed to be consumed with all things Cuban these days! I look forward to your first blog-Cheers-Nancy

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